Thursday, June 30, 2011

WoW Starter Edition is now Free to Play until reaching level 20

Blizzard has finally done it, they made World of Warcraft free to play, well sort of. The first 20 levels are free to play. You can still continue playing the game after reaching level 20 but you will not be able to level up. So basically, it is a great way for newbies to get suckered in. I use to play WoW but I quit after playing for about a year (only totaling 3 months of game time). It was enjoyable when I started out but I started to get bored thereafter. Nothing against this game but mmorpg (massive multiplayer online role playing game) aren't really my thing. 

Although millions of people are still subscribed to World of Warcraft, Blizzard most likely felt threatened by new MMO's out like Rift. Then there's the upcoming MMO like Star Wars The Old Republic Online and Guild Wars 2, a non-subscription MMO. 

So for all those who haven't tasted WoW or never played an MMORPG, you can check out the link here:

Play WoW Free

I am sure there are people craving for something to play during the summer.

And here is a trailer for Guild Wars 2, just becaue I feel like sharing it.

Image Source: Courtesy of Blizzard

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Teaser Trailer for Pixar's next masterpiece: Brave.

Pixar Animation is a rare studio in that a majority of their movies receive high acclaim. Their movies are very original and caters to people of all ages. Their latest movies continue the trend with Toy Story 3 and Cars 2. Although Toys 3 was phenomenal and Cars 2 is entertaining, I am sure some people are left wondering when Pixar will release a new Original movie. As much as I want to see a sequel to The Incredibles or Monster Inc., I'm really looking forward to Pixar's next great offering that isn't a sequel. Now here it is, Pixar teases us with a teaser trailer for their new movie Brave:

At first look, the movie seems to be drawing a more mature feel to it while still keeping that fairy tale feel. I can't say much until I see the official trailer. I want to know what your reactions are to this teaser so please leave a comment below about what you think.

Brave is expected to release next summer on June 22, 2012.

I will definitely try to keep you updated on this movie once I get more information.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Got My Harry Potter: Deathly Hallow Part II midnight showing ticket. Yeah

Living Social, you are a money saver. They recently had a deal where you can purchase 2 tickets for 9 bucks through Fandango. Harry Potter was on the top of my "Must Watch List" for this summer so I had to buy tickets for the midnight showing. Compared to the Half Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows Part 2 was really exceptional. The movie adaptation followed the first half of the 7th Harry Potter novel quite closely. Since I am a sucker for great movie adaptations, I knew that the next Harry Potter movie is a must see.

As for what Living Social is, it is similar to Groupon, where you purchase items at a fraction of the original cost. They have a lot of Restaurant deals based on the city you live in. Generally these deals go by fast and is in limited quantities. One fine print is that you must use the purchased deal all in one visit and no refund will be given.

I'll make sure to post up amazing deals if I find any.

Monday, June 27, 2011

City Dwellers having trouble with parking? Try iOS App: Park Place

I visited San Francisco in California just recently and I have to say, it is not the city I would want to live in. Why you ask. Traffic is a bitch but parking is even more of a pain in ass. Cramped streets littered with cars, and limited parking spaces. It is a huge city but parking and driving around looking for parking is very time consuming and not great on gas. Then when you park in an unfamiliar street, you run the risk of "losing" your car. I told my friends that I just recently downloaded an app that might help with all that. Of course, the reaction I got was: "Jesus, you're such dork" and "of course you would have an app". I rarely ever get praises for being so tech savvy especially when it comes to my apple products.

The app in question is the Park Place app for iOS on IPhone. People living or even visiting large cities will find this app somewhat useful. The app isn't a necessity but it will make searching for parking a tad more convenient. So far the supported cities include: Balimore, Boston, Philidelphia, San Francsico, Seattle, and Washington D.C., with more coming in the future. The app has a feature that allows you to search for parking facilities and compare rates. Once you find a few, the app will list the facilities as open or closed parking. I didn't use this feature yet but I was able to mark my location.

On the bottom of the screen, there is an icon called "Parked At". I thought this one was incredibly useful. Since I couldn't find any close street parking, I ended parking about 2 miles from my destination. I clicked on the "tap to add location" and it pinpointed my location. Then I clicked on "tap to add photo" to add a picture of the area where my car was parked (my picture wasn't helpful since the only thing seen is my friends mooning me). Then If I wanted to, I could set a countdown timer in case I was pressed on time. After 9 hours later, we happily stumbled back to my car worry free. I hate San Francisco less now.

Friday, June 24, 2011

1 More Show I must Add to my watch list: The Big C

Showtime just keeps pumping out AAA dramas like Dexter, Californication, and Nurse Jackie to name a few. Their new show The Big C is turning out to be another contender for a great Drama. The series follows a suburban mom who is diagnosed with cancer who, instead of giving up on life, tries to make the very best of her illness and finding seeing the bright side of it all. The story sounds kinda meh right, but seriously, I heard this show is pretty legit. She uses humor to cope with cancer and she is funny as hell. How awesome is that? The pilot drew in astounding numbers for a Showtime Original series. That is saying a lot, mind you. Season 2 premiers June 27th so watch season 1 first ya'll.

Here is a trailer for season 1 lucky folks:

You can buy season 1 here:

Image Source: Image Courtesy of Showtime and The Big C

TEAM Fortress 2 is now Free to Play!

Well Valve has finally given people who missed out on their Orange Box exclusive game: Team Fortress 2 an opportunity to jump in. Team Fortress 2 is now free to play (f2p) on steam. This is still the same first person team based game and no features were dropped to make the game f2p. Valve does offer Micro transaction on in-game items used to customize your characters but no purchase is necessary since most items can be obtained during gameplay. Check it out if you haven't already.

Available for Mac or PC. Get it here: Team Fortress 2 Download

Image Source: Courtesy of Valve and Team Fortress 2
Link Source:

X-men: First Class gives me hope for the X-men saga.

I love comic book adaptations as much as the next guy but I haven't been too thrilled with the few movies that have been released thus far. Strictly my opinion, the X-Men trilogy and the Wolverine Origin movie have fell way below my expectation. I was upset to see the live action X-Men movie come out this way. I mean the movies were decent but not incredible.

Almost 2 years after Wolverine Origins, they finally done it: First Class was exceptional. The movie begins with the young Erik and Xavier realizing that they are special and not the only one who carries these special gifts. Erik has the ability to levitate and distort metal objects with his mind but does so with the help of his inner rage. Charles Xavier is pursuing his Ph.D in the field of gene mutation. He is gifted with the ability to enter a person's mind and read, speak, or even erase their memories. He happens upon a chance encounter with Erik after saving his life and immediately there is a strong connection between them.

The movie focuses on the chemistry between Erik and Charles and reveals why they have such a strong bond and conflicting differences. I thought this was what made the movie so great. It is the characters and the emotions they exert. A movie of this magnitude doesn't need special effects or crazy explosions to be great, just raw powerful performances. I can honestly say that I am really hoping that there is a X-men: Second Class or X-Men: Magneto Origin stemming from this movie. Cheers if you will be seeing this movie in the near future.

Image source: Courtesy of X-Men: First Class Movie

Monday, June 20, 2011

Taingerine's TOP 10 show to catch up during the summer

Now that summer has decided to wake me up for another hot and sweaty day, I am left trying to figure out how I will spend my day indoor hiding from the blistering sun. Television is my answer. This past season of new dramas, comedies, and reality shows were...actually good, like really good. I didn't have a chance to see most of the new shows or catch up with my favorite series due to college robbing me of all my precious TV viewing time. Now I have all the time in the world thanks to school being out. To help myself and whomever else dealing with the same issue, I figured I might as well compile a list of the top 10 shows that are a must-see from previous season. I am convinced that I have impeccable taste in shows so don't hate if you disagree.

Click on 'Read More' to See My TOP 10.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Old West Tale: True Grit

I saw the movie True Grit when it first played in theater and I completely forgot about the movie until I saw that it is now on DVD and Blue-ray. If you are expecting a wild west movie that has a tall story behind it, this movie is not it. The movie instead follows the pursuit of a criminal by a vengeful young women whose father lay victim by the assailant. It is not huge on story but instead you see the most true to life cowboys of that time period. The reason I even thought I should write about this movie is because of how much of a charmer this movie is. True Grit has incredibly smart dialogue and the characters are memorable especially that of Hailee Steinfield who played Mattie Ross, the young women protagonist. The remarks and comment coming out of her mouth shows how mature her character is despite her age. I love listening to her talk even though I had some trouble comprehending western tounge. To help track down her killer, she seeks out the help from the toughest, gritiest U.S. Marshall to step foot in the west. Played by Jeff Bridges, Reuben J. Cogburn is one badass S.O.B and he takes down foes with no remorse. Then you have The Texas ranger who is also after the criminal pursued by Maddie. The ranger, played by Matt damon, is a support character and he is has less in common with the U.S. Marshall in their approach to capturing criminals. Matt Damon's character is more of a straight edge when compared to Mr. Cogburn's character. I truely love western movies, and I haven't seen a western movie that just exemplifies the western life as much as this movie does. It is a remake of a classic but it does the orginal justice by keeping true to form. Definetly a movie to watch out for.
You can check this movie out on Amazon right below this link:

True Grit

[Image above from True Grit]