Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Teaser Trailer for Pixar's next masterpiece: Brave.

Pixar Animation is a rare studio in that a majority of their movies receive high acclaim. Their movies are very original and caters to people of all ages. Their latest movies continue the trend with Toy Story 3 and Cars 2. Although Toys 3 was phenomenal and Cars 2 is entertaining, I am sure some people are left wondering when Pixar will release a new Original movie. As much as I want to see a sequel to The Incredibles or Monster Inc., I'm really looking forward to Pixar's next great offering that isn't a sequel. Now here it is, Pixar teases us with a teaser trailer for their new movie Brave:

At first look, the movie seems to be drawing a more mature feel to it while still keeping that fairy tale feel. I can't say much until I see the official trailer. I want to know what your reactions are to this teaser so please leave a comment below about what you think.

Brave is expected to release next summer on June 22, 2012.

I will definitely try to keep you updated on this movie once I get more information.